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There is hope in clearing the Burdens of Negativity

Do you feel surrounded by spirits, entities or other negative influences that won’t release their hold on you?
Join the countless people who have sought the assistance of Amy Major, for support in clearing attachments from themselves, their loved ones, and their homes.
Amy is a specialist in Spirit Rescue, a form of energy work that has the potential to remove negative energy surrounding an individual. With over two decades of experience with clearing energetic attachments, Amy is now sharing her knowledge with the world. After several years of teaching ’The Major Method of Attachment Removal’ to select students, Amy is expanding her audience by sharing her expertise with the public in a step-by-step process with the release of her latest book “Release to Light”. This book aims to empower others and ensure that anyone can have the tools necessary to identify, clear, protect and guard against negative energy safely.


Reverend Amy Major is the Director of Spirit Rescue University where she devotes her time teaching and mentoring students internationally in the Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Arts. Amy is a Metaphysical Minister, Published Author,  International Public Speaker, Podcast Host of Spirit Rescue Talk. Amy's field work includes International Spirit Rescue Specialist, Rescue Medium, Attachment Removal Specialist, Clearing & Healing Specialists, Real-Estate Clearing Specialist, Medium, Channeler, Healer, Psychic.



Release to Light (electronic book)


    AMY MAJOR - Psychic Medium
    "The Rescue Medium"

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